
Our body specialists are equipped with cutting-edge technology to provide you with a balanced, and effective treatment plan. The first step to body confidence is now. Transform your health and body to the next level at Glojas Clinic today!

QSWITCH Genitals Skin Whitening

QSWITCH Genitals Skin Whitening for labia is a cosmetic procedure designed to address concerns
related to the appearance of the labia. Using advanced laser technology, this treatment aims to
lighten the skin in the labial area, providing a more even and youthful tone.

What Are The Benefits Of Miss V Skin Whitening?

Genital whitening laser treatment is a non-invasive procedure that allows for rejuvenation without causing any damage to the Miss V wall or scar tissue formation.

Miss V laser skin whitening is a highly effective and safe procedure. As a result, you can resume your normal daily activities or work routine immediately after the laser vaginal treatment.

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Miss V Tightening

Miss V tightening, also known as Miss V rejuvenation or Miss V tightening, is a medical
procedure designed to enhance the tightness and firmness of the Miss V canal. It is often sought by
individuals who wish to address issues like miss ‘v’ laxity, which can result from childbirth or aging

What Are The Benefits Of Filler Injection For Miss V Rejuvenation?

Minor side effects such as skin necrosis from the injection, overfilling, asymmetry, and lumps are possible. However, the risk of Hyaluronic acid fillers is extremely unlikely. Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that the human body naturally produces. As a result, there are no negative consequences.

When the labia puffing treatment is finished, the results should be visible almost immediately. Another significant advantage of this Miss V enhancement treatment is that there is no downtime required, allowing you to resume your daily routine as soon as the treatment is completed.

Fractional Laser Miss V Rejuvenation

Fractional Laser Miss V Rejuvenation heats the upper layers of your Miss V tissue, causing the lower
layers to produce more collagen. This firms and tightens the skin. Laser rejuvenation may also be
effective in treating stress urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary urination that occurs when
sneezing, coughing, or laughing.

What Are The Benefits Of Laser Miss V Rejuvenation?

Following the procedure, patients may experience some minor sensitivity to Miss V opening and a clear discharge for 2-3 days. Sexual intercourse or activity is not advised for about 2-3 days following the procedure.

The procedure is simple and safe, and it can be completed in a single 30-45-minute session. The procedure results in no downtime, side effects, bleeding, or swelling.

SMART Exilis (Miss V Rejuvenation)

SMART Exilis is a non-invasive, radiofrequency-based treatment designed to enhance the health and appearance of the Miss V area. It uses controlled radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production in the Miss V tissues, leading to improved tightness and increased Miss V lubrication.

What Are The Benefits Of SMART Exilis?

Side effects of Thuzzle are typically mild and temporary, consisting of mild and temporary flushing, redness, swelling, and tingling.

Minimal to NO Downtime. You can even have it done as a day procedure and return to your normal daily activities after the treatment is completed. However, it is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise for 2 days.

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Address : Glojas Health Clinic, Glomac Galleria, Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur

Phone : +603 6211 5555

Operation Hours : Monday to Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am – 6:00pm

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