Why is My Hair Falling Out?

Hair, often considered our crowning glory, becomes a source of concern and distress when it starts Hair falling out. Medically known as alopecia, hair loss is a common issue affecting people of all ages and genders. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate reasons behind hair loss, exploring the various factors contributing to this phenomenon. Genetics in Hair […]

Does Exilis Kill Fat Cells?

Now, with one device we can contour the body, make the fat layer thinner and heat the skin to affect healing with a tighter skin envelope. There is no other device on the market that does both well. We can tighten the skin of the face and neck, and remove fat around the hips all with a single modality, thanks […]

Can I use Hair Products after a Hair Transplant is done?

Hair products like gels and sprays can indeed be used after a hair transplant, but timing is crucial. It’s advisable to wait for at least 3 weeks post-treatment. However, the specific time to start using these products should align with your surgeon’s recommendations. Getting A Hair Transplant The journey to a permanent solution for hair loss involves hair transplant surgery. […]

Do Dimples Make You Attractive?

By having dimple creation surgery, you can amazingly enhance your beauty. In Malaysia and even in the rest of the world, dimples are a symbol of beauty and attraction. It’s a cosmetic surgery which is done on an outpatient basis. The best dimple plastic surgeon at GLOJAS can deliver desired results A natural looking and cute dimples can be easily […]

What To Know Before Rhinoplasty

A large number of individuals who are keen on getting Rhinoplasty or want to alter the looks of their nose do not have a fundamental knowledge of the technique, its benefits, limitations, expenses and eligibility criteria. Here are some truths for you to enhance the learning about Rhinoplasty surgery. Functions Of Rhinoplasty Surgery· Rhinoplasty is performed generally for aesthetic reasons, […]

Can Breast Lift Restore Your Confidence?

As women age, the natural process of breast sagging becomes a common concern. Factors like intense weight loss or previous pregnancies can accelerate this process, leading to a desire for restoring breasts to their original, firmer position. While exercises and medications may not address this issue, many women opt for breast lift surgery to rejuvenate their breasts and regain confidence. […]

Should I Get a Hair Transplant?

People often get worried by numerous issues related to their personality. Height is one of the major factors that bother everyone alike. High weight is a major and increasing factor that bothers people of every age and gender. Speech problems are also issues of concern for some individuals.  Another very major and widespread issue that causes trouble for many people […]

Why do I Have Double Eyelid on One Eye?

The human body is a remarkable canvas of uniqueness, where every individual’s features exhibit distinct variations that contribute to their identity. One such intriguing phenomenon is the presence of a double eyelid on just one eye. While double eyelids are a common trait in many individuals, the occurrence of this feature on only one eye sparks curiosity and raises questions […]

What is Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3?

Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL), also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common condition that affects a significant portion of the male population. It is characterized by a predictable pattern of hair loss that follows a distinct progression. Let’s explore deeper into Male Pattern Hair Loss Level 3, exploring its causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options. Male Pattern Hair Loss […]

Can a Hair Transplant Be Done on a Scar?

Modern advancements in cosmetic surgery have transformed the landscape of addressing aesthetic concerns. One intriguing development is the ability to perform hair transplants on scars. Renowned for their success in restoring hairlines, hair transplants have expanded their scope to tackle scars. Let’s delve into the world of hair transplants on scars. Hair Transplants on Scars Feasible and transformative, hair transplants […]

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